
Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google face claims of 'harmful' power

Young people 'feel anxiety and terror' using fitness apps

New top story on Hacker News: Sirum (YC W15 Nonprofit) is hiring developers to save medicine to save lives

New top story on Hacker News: Tech CEOs Invoke the American Dream to Obscure the Nightmare They Created

New top story on Hacker News: Tihle: A unique TI calculator emulator

New top story on Hacker News: The Stutterer's Song: Remembering Bill Withers

Pilgrims arrive in Mecca for downsized hajj amid pandemic

The World's Largest Fusion Reactor Finally Begins Assembly

Reagan Foundation distances itself from Trump campaign and the president isn't pleased

Minneapolis residents are forming armed neighborhood watches as shootings triple after George Floyd's death

US could ‘virtually eliminate’ coronavirus if ‘we decide to’, top Obama administration health official says

Police departments withdraw from security agreements for Democratic convention, some citing directive on crowd munitions

Palestinians: Settler vandals firebomb West Bank mosque